By Jim Wong, CPA | April 12, 2017

“The way your employees feel is the way your customers will feel.” – Sybil F. Stershic

When it comes to welcoming new employees to your team, it’s important to give a good first impression so that everyone feels comfortable and engaged. If you have a team of introverts, an outgoing individual might run into some challenges getting used to the environment, and vice versa. While it’s not impossible for different personalities to get along, it certainly takes due diligence by the hiring managers to ensure all members of your team feel at ease in order to take on their new position most effectively.

For many accounting, finance and information technology professionals, and other professions for that matter, the first few days in a new role are usually filled with learning technical components and the ins and outs of the organization. This could be overwhelming which is why it’s important for companies to welcome new employees into their organization properly.

So, how can you achieve this?

I recently came across an article on that discusses a few of the best ways businesses can greet new hires into their organization and ensure they feel like a part of the team. I added a few of my own suggestions, too.

Learn 6 Ways to Welcome New Hires below!

1. Take the time to explain the little things. 
Often times, the smallest details of the office are the ones that get overlooked when it comes to welcoming a new hire. For example, is there a printer that’s tricky to use? Is there a specific cabinet where office supplies are stored? Be sure to loop new hires into these details in order to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

2. Utilize the buddy system.
There’s a reason that the buddy system was so memorable—it’s because it helps welcome everyone! While it might seem simple, making sure that new hires have a peer they can go to for questions during their first few days on the job is important. It gives the new hire the peace of mind of knowing they have someone who can answer their questions about work, the office or the best place to grab lunch. Assigning a colleague to a new hire doesn’t have to be a formal process, it can simply be the person with the most tenure on the team or even the person who sits closest to them.

3. Let new hires in on the action. 
Allowing a new hire to get in the trenches with the team is beneficial because it gives them a firsthand view of what to expect. For accounting roles, a new hire might find it helpful to get looped in on how long the month-end process takes.

4. Get social. 
While it’s certainly important to make sure that new hires are aware of the scope of their role, the history of the company and the background of the value proposition, there’s also the need for new hires to understand the company culture and team dynamic. For that reason, it’s important to incorporate a time when the team can take a breath and get to know each other in a less pressured way—whether that’s lunch or a happy hour outside of the office.

5. Treat them to a caffeine break. 
A quick coffee break is another simple way to welcome new employees. Taking 15 minutes out of the day to grab a cup of coffee is a relaxing, no-pressure way to get some time to get to know new employees. Whether the discussion is centered on work-related topics or personal topics, this is a surefire way to make new team members feel welcomed.

6. Allow new hires to introduce themselves. 
Allowing new employees to introduce themselves to the team and talk about their background including where they went to school and what companies they previously worked at are great conversation starters. You can also have them throw in fun facts like their favorite sports, too. These type of ice breakers can engage the whole team and allow everyone to get a glimpse of each other’s personalities to find common interests.

What are some of the other ways to welcome new employees? Comment below and let us know!

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