Brilliant has partnered with thousands of businesses like yours in the areas of accounting, finance, audit, tax, treasury, financial systems, data analytics and technology across countless industries and markets.
Our four divisions focus on providing high-quality professionals on a temp, consulting or direct-hire basis. Our recruiting and business development teams know the industry as many are former accounting or finance professionals themselves.
Learn all the ways we have helped other firms fulfill their accounting, finance and technology needs while saving them time, energy and money.
In our case studies, you can find...
How Brilliant has helped firms within wealth management, financial services, nonprofits, software, manufacturing, communications, and other industries
Ways in which our contract, interim and project resources can help your large and small-scale initiatives in the areas of accounting, finance, tax, audit, treasury, data analytics, financial systems, tech, and more
All the various ways our multiple divisions can serve you — from contract resources to business solutions to direct-hire resources and everywhere in between
If you are looking for ways to best manage your business, move quickly and create lasting change — read how Brilliant has helped firms like yours, time and time again.

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Market Locations
Brilliant is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with a strong presence in the Greater Chicago area including suburbs, Wisconsin and NW Indiana. The firm also serves the Atlanta and South Florida markets including Broward County, Palm Beach County and Miami-Dade Counties. To get connected with a business development manager within these areas, contact us today!