Interested in the Hidden Job Market? By Jim Wong, CPA | April 17, 2013 If you’ve been on the hunt for a job for a while and can’t find one, you could be looking...
Hiring on the Rise for the Remainder of 2012 By Jim Wong, CPA | June 14, 2012 The recruiting environment is changing and hiring trends are looking good for the rest of the year. A recent survey...
Hiring and Employment Demand Related to Economic Trends By Jim Wong, CPA | May 14, 2012 There are many factors that can attribute to hiring and employment peaks; factors such as economic trends, seasonality, month-end, year-end,...
How to Attract Accounting / Finance Candidates and Hire for Long-Term By Jim Wong, CPA | May 13, 2012 Labor markets are just that – markets. In this market, accounting and finance candidates with one to six years of...